Best Windows Web Hosting provider in Saudi Arabia

Get best Windows Web Hosting in the kingdom with secure, high performance Website Hosting service along with 24/7 technical support

  • FREE Domain
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • FREE Website Migration
  • 24x7 real-time human support
Windows Hosting

Windows Web Hosting Plans & Pricing

30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Limited Time Offer

USD 8.15 /month

Pay USD 293.40 for 36 Months

Plan includes
  • FREE Domain
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • FREE Website Migration
  • 24x7 real-time human support

  • 1 Website
  • 10 GB Space
  • 10 Emails
  • 5 MySQL/1 MSSQL
  • Plesk

USD 13.58 /month

Pay USD 488.88 for 36 Months

Plan includes
  • FREE Domain
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • FREE Website Migration
  • 24x7 real-time human support

  • 3 Websites
  • 50 GB Space
  • 100 Emails
  • 10 MySQL/3 MSSQL
  • Plesk

USD 20.38 /month

Pay USD 733.68 for 36 Months

Plan includes
  • FREE Domain
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • FREE Website Migration
  • 24x7 real-time human support

  • Unlimited Websites
  • Unlimited Space
  • Unlimited Emails
  • Unlimited MySQL/10 MSSQL
  • Plesk

USD 9.51 /month

Pay USD 342.36 for 36 Months

Plan includes
  • FREE Domain
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • FREE Website Migration
  • 24x7 real-time human support

  • 1 Website
  • 10 GB Space
  • 10 Emails
  • Plesk

USD 14.94 /month

Pay USD 537.84 for 36 Months

Plan includes
  • FREE Domain
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • FREE Website Migration
  • 24x7 real-time human support

  • 3 Website
  • 50 GB Space
  • 100 Emails
  • 10 MySQL/3 MSSQL
  • Plesk

USD 22.00 /month

Pay USD 792.00 for 36 Months

Plan includes
  • FREE Domain
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • FREE Website Migration
  • 24x7 real-time human support

  • Unlimited Websites
  • Unlimited Space
  • Unlimited Emails
  • Unlimited MySQL/10 MSSQL
  • Plesk

USD 12.22 /month

Pay USD 439.92 for 36 Months

Plan includes
  • FREE Domain
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • FREE Website Migration
  • 24x7 real-time human support

  • 1 Website
  • 10 GB Space
  • 10 Emails
  • 5 MySQL/1 MSSQL
  • Plesk

USD 17.66 /month

Pay USD 635.76 for 36 Months

Plan includes
  • FREE Domain
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • FREE Website Migration
  • 24x7 real-time human support

  • 3 Websites
  • 50 GB Space
  • 100 Emails
  • 10 MySQL/3 MSSQL
  • Plesk

USD 24.45 /month

Pay USD 880.20 for 36 Months

Plan includes
  • FREE Domain
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • FREE Website Migration
  • 24x7 real-time human support

  • Unlimited Websites
  • Unlimited Space
  • Unlimited Emails
  • Unlimited MySQL/10 MSSQL
  • Plesk
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Digital Eye Media

“I have moved one of our website and emails to Buzinessware after trying with 2 other providers in UAE. Migration was seamless and experienced possibly the very best customer service of all time. Service agents are knowledgeable enough to help and adept enough to explain solutions in such way that layman can understand easily. Their pricing is also very reasonable. I would highly recommend Buzinessware to everyone”

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Why it makes business sense to host with buzinessware


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Support that puts you in control of your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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  • 24*7 Support Availability
  • Multiple Support Channels
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See Support SLA >

Yes, your hosting comes packed with the world's number one control panel, Plesk.

Yes You Can upgrade to Next Plan

If you are looking to host your personal website or hobbyist website or light user access website then you can decide to purchase our First Hosting Plan. If you want to host more than 1 website you can purchase our Windows Hosting Plan for 3 websites which has a higher resource available. If you are looking to host an ecommerce website which requires higher resources or want to host multiple websites you can proceed with our Windows Hosting with Unlimited Websites plan.

No, only .com,.net,.org is available with windows and linux plans

We support Windows 2012 and Windows 2016 Operating Systems with our Windows Hosting in Dubai, UAE.

Our World class Data Centers are available in multiple locations in UAE and Saudi Arabia

Yes, with our Shared Hosting Plans in Dubai, UAE, all Windows 2012 or Windows 2016 Server support, ASP.NET 3.5, ASP.NET 4.0 and ASP.NET 4.5

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Why Windows Web Hosting is Perfect for Saudi Arabian Businesses

The suitability of Windows web hosting for Saudi Arabian businesses, or any other businesses for that matter, can vary depending on specific needs. However, there are several reasons that can make Windows web hosting a preferred choice for some Saudi Arabian businesses:

  • .NET and Microsoft Technologies: If the business relies on Microsoft technologies such as ASP.NET, C#, or Microsoft SQL Server, then Windows hosting becomes almost a necessity. These technologies are optimized for the Windows environment.
  • Language and Regional Settings: Windows servers provide support for various regional settings. For businesses in Saudi Arabia that prefer to have their content and databases configured to the local time zone, language, and currency, Windows hosting can offer smooth configuration options.
  • Integration with Microsoft Products: Companies that heavily utilize Microsoft products like Microsoft Office, Microsoft Dynamics, SharePoint, or Exchange may find it more seamless to integrate their online operations with a Windows hosting environment.
  • Plesk Control Panel: Windows servers often come with the Plesk control panel, which many find user-friendly and intuitive, especially in terms of managing multiple websites, databases, email accounts, and more.
  • Familiarity and Support: The familiarity of the Windows interface can make it easier for IT teams in Saudi Arabia, who are more accustomed to the Windows ecosystem, to manage and troubleshoot server issues. Moreover, there's a vast amount of resources, both online and offline, available for Windows solutions.
  • Growing Tech Scene in Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia is investing heavily in its tech industry as part of its Vision 2030 plan. As businesses and startups emerge, there's a possibility that many will be built around Microsoft's technologies, given their global acceptance and reliability. Windows web hosting can cater to these businesses' needs.
  • Economic Partnerships: Microsoft has been strengthening its relationships with many countries in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia. As a result, there may be better local support, training, and infrastructure availability for businesses that rely on Microsoft products and services.
  • Local Hosting Providers: Many hosting providers in the region may offer specialized Windows hosting packages tailored to the needs of Saudi Arabian businesses, potentially providing better support, local data centers, and optimized performance.
  • Security: While both Windows and Linux have their security strengths and weaknesses, businesses that are already familiar with Microsoft's security tools and protocols might find it easier to ensure security on a Windows platform.
  • Scalability: Windows servers can be easily scaled to meet the growing needs of a business, and integration with Azure and other Microsoft cloud services can provide additional scalability options.

However, while there are many advantages, it's crucial to remember that the best hosting choice always depends on the individual needs and characteristics of each business. What works best for one company might not necessarily be the optimal solution for another.

Windows Web Hosting: Boosting Website Performance in Saudi Arabia

Boosting website performance is essential for any online business, and it's even more crucial for regions like Saudi Arabia where there's rapid digital growth and high user expectations. If you're using Windows web hosting, there are several strategies and best practices to ensure that your website performs at its best in the region. Here's a guide to enhance website performance for Windows hosting in Saudi Arabia:

  • Local Data Center: Choose a hosting provider that has a data center in or near Saudi Arabia. This will reduce the latency and make your website load faster for local users.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): Use a CDN with a presence in Saudi Arabia. CDNs store cached versions of your site on multiple servers around the world, and users get served content from the nearest location.
  • Optimize Images: Large images can slow down your site. Use tools like TinyPNG or the Smush plugin for WordPress to compress images without losing quality.
  • Minimize HTTP Requests: Combine CSS and JavaScript files. Use sprites for images where possible. This reduces the number of server requests and speeds up page loading times.
  • Enable Compression: Use Gzip or Brotli compression to reduce the size of your website's files. This makes them load faster.
  • Use HTTP/3: This is the latest version of the HTTP protocol, which can boost website speed. Make sure your hosting supports it.
  • Optimize Databases: Regularly optimize your databases, especially if you're using platforms like WordPress. Plugins like WP-Optimize can help.
  • Regular Backups: Ensure that you have regular backups in place, but avoid peak traffic times for these backup processes.
  • Update Regularly: Keep your Windows server, CMS, plugins, and themes up-to-date. New updates often come with performance improvements.
  • Limit Plugins: Only use necessary plugins. Each plugin adds more code, which can slow down your site.
  • Leverage Browser Caching: This stores parts of your website in users' browsers, making subsequent visits faster.
  • Prioritize Above-The-Fold Content: Ensure that the content users see first loads quickly. Lazy loading can delay loading images and content that aren't immediately visible.
  • Responsive Design: A significant percentage of users might access your site from mobile devices. Ensure your website's design is responsive and loads quickly on mobile.
  • Monitor Website Performance: Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom can give insights into your website's performance and suggest improvements.
  • Localize Content: Since your target audience is in Saudi Arabia, make sure your content is in Arabic and English, ensuring that the language used is culturally appropriate and considerate.
  • Choose SSD Hosting: If possible, choose a hosting plan that uses SSDs (Solid State Drives) rather than HDDs. SSDs are faster and can significantly improve website load times.
  • Content Optimization: Avoid using unnecessary high-quality videos or animations that take a long time to load. If videos are crucial, consider hosting them on platforms like YouTube or Vimeo and then embedding them on your site.
  • DNS Optimization: Use a premium DNS provider to ensure that the domain name resolution process is as fast as possible.

By employing these strategies and continuously monitoring and optimizing, you can ensure your Windows-hosted website performs optimally for users in Saudi Arabia.

What is the difference between Windows Hosting and Linux Hosting?

Windows Hosting and Linux Hosting refer to the operating systems used on the web servers that host websites and web applications. The choice between the two often depends on the technologies you want to use for your website, as well as personal preference. Here are the primary differences between the two:

  • Operating System (OS):
  • Windows Hosting uses Microsoft Windows OS.
  • Linux Hosting uses a Linux-based OS, which includes various distributions like Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian, among others.
  • Price:
  • Windows Hosting: Generally more expensive because it requires licensing fees for Microsoft products.
  • Linux Hosting: Often cheaper because it mostly uses open-source software.
  • Supported Technologies:
  • Windows Hosting: Typically supports technologies like ASP.NET, MS Access, Microsoft SQL Server, and Visual Basic development.
  • Linux Hosting: Popular for PHP, Perl, Python, and open-source databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL.
  • Control Panels:
  • Windows Hosting: Popular control panels include Plesk and DotNetPanel.
  • Linux Hosting: cPanel/WHM and DirectAdmin are common.
  • File Naming Sensitivity:
  • Windows Hosting: File names are generally not case-sensitive. That is, "Homepage.HTML" and "homepage.html" would be treated the same.
  • Linux Hosting: File names are case-sensitive. So, "Homepage.HTML" and "homepage.html" are treated as distinct files.
  • Security:
  • Windows Hosting: Historically, Windows faced criticism for its vulnerabilities, but modern Windows servers are much more secure. Still, it’s essential to keep the server updated and take appropriate precautions.
  • Linux Hosting: Often touted for its robustness and security features. However, security primarily depends on server configuration and management, regardless of the OS.
  • Performance and Stability:
  • Both can offer excellent performance and stability if correctly configured and managed. It's a myth that one inherently performs better than the other in all scenarios.
  • Windows Hosting: If you're developing in the Microsoft ecosystem (using tools like Visual Studio, and technologies like ASP.NET), Windows hosting might offer more seamless compatibility.
  • Linux Hosting: Ideal if you're using PHP, Perl, or Python and are aiming for compatibility with open-source technologies.
  • Customization & Flexibility:
  • Windows Hosting: Offers customization and flexibility, but some advanced customizations may require paid Microsoft software.
  • Linux Hosting: With its open-source nature, it’s highly customizable. System administrators can modify every aspect of the server.
  • Updates & Licensing:
  • Windows Hosting: Updates are centralized and often require licensing.
  • Linux Hosting: Being open-source, updates are community-driven. There's also the flexibility to choose from different Linux distributions based on needs.

When deciding between Windows and Linux hosting, consider your project's requirements, your familiarity with the OS, and the technologies you plan to use.
